Make this dish for brunch, lunch, a snack, or dinner…in other words anytime it’s a good time to enjoy Olio Fresia Italian Style Piadina!

Want to make it with homemade dough? We will teach you how! Or are you short on time to make your own dough but you want to try our recipe? Buy pre-made pizza dough and follow our simple steps to learn how to make this tasty dish with our oil!

Difficulty: LOW

Time: 40 minutes

Cost: low

Serves: 2 people (may be doubled)

Follow our Recipe!

Homemade Dough Ingredients:

2 CUPS of flour

1 CUP of water

4 TBSP Rosabianca EVOO

1 TBSP of salt

Piadina Stuffing Ingredients:

8 slices of bacon (or more if you want)

6 slices of fresh Mozzarella (or more if you want)

4-6 cherry tomatoes


Rosabianca Evoo or Il Gagliardo to drizzle over Piadina before eating

For those who want, let’s start to make the dough!

1 – Firstly mix in a bowl – by hand, wooden spoon, or with a dough hook – flour, water, salt & Rosabianca EVOO. When the dough is mixed well, let the dough sit for 20 minutes.

2 – After 20 minutes, divide the dough in three portion and using a rolling pin work them until you obtain a circular piadina.

Now let’s teach our friends who didn’t make the dough!

1 – Before all else pre-heat oven to 400°

2 – Then heat pan on high heat and add Rosabianca EVOO and the Piadina dough.

3 – Cook for 4-5 minutes or until you don’t see bubbles on the top.

4 – Remove the piadina from the pan. After that stuff it with bacon, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and some olive oil. If you like spicy food you can add some Il Gagliardo, if not, add Rosabianca EVOO.

5 – Close the piadina and put in the pre-heated oven for 6 minutes.

6- Drizzle with Rosabianca EVOO but if you like spicy we suggest you to use some Il Gagliardo oil.

Serve while hot! You will love it!